My current thinking on this is

1) The Dyson gizomos are hand held so I am presuming that the motor is not that big, ok so biggish compared to a RC aircraft motor

2) Looking at the complete setup required for an RC aircraft motor; an ESC (Electronic speed Control) is required; a PSU (Power Supply Unit) is required that is very none standard, last time I investigated I assumed that LiPo voltages (7.2 volt?) were required at a some enormous currents (60amps?)

3) Taking into account above then cost wise the Dyson looks relatively cheap

4) Taking into account the above maybe that motor may not be so large

Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
Only thing I can see with this is it's going to be a largish motor to run an engraving spindle.
There have been great strides made lately in the small motors in respect to RC aircraft.

Have you looked at some of these options ?