New to CNCs, but I 'think' I'm heading towards purchasing an X4 from Robocutters, see bottom of page here:

But struggling a little with the dizzying range of options!

Am 99% of the time looking to work in wood - likely softwoods also, but certainly want the flexibility to work in hardwoods. Don't plan to carve an aluminium etc Plan to mount this to my 8ft x 4 ft work table, so hopefully this'd give a pretty decent cutting area.

Spec from the site I've selected:
- 1500mm x 3000mm

- 5 axis controller
- Makita RT0700

- 5 Axis controller - can I check I understand this. As I follow, this means the mill will be able to tilt to make angle cuts? Is this correct?
- if I follow, as I've selected the 5 axis controller I don't need stepper motors?
- Stepper cable - xlr or aviation - is there any big difference or recommendation here? Again do I need this if I'm using the 5 axis controller with motors included?
- Pulley/Coupling - again I assume I don't need these as motor selected?
- Ballscrew vs TR16 - no idea which is better here - any recommendations?

Feel free to just give me a better configuration if you think there's a smarter setup - really looking for it to be as simple and robust as possible!

Many thanks in advance for any advice!