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  1. #1
    Rob's Avatar
    Lives in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 05-11-2017 Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 22. Received thanks 1 times, giving thanks to others 1 times.
    EDIT: I've had a few replies and think it best to suspend this offering now to make contact with the respondents. If anything changes I will update this notice. Thanks for viewing,


    Hello, I joined this forum thinking that getting a CNC lathe and DIY was the way to go, but now I realise the lead time, expense and learning curve to get set up is a bit much if a cost effective alternative can be found.

    I'm looking for someone who can prototype my designs and supply me with the Dxf files, Gcode or whatever it takes for me to take the file to a large manufacturer for production runs. The dimensions are approx 25mmD max with grooves x 33mmW and need a high quality finish. A link to a youtube video of the type of finish desired can be provided. The designs will undoubtedly need to be tweaked a mil here or there so a few variations each might need to be made, but I think my paint drawings with dimensions are close to final products. Brass is the preferred metal, but if brass is not readily available to the machinist then any other metal can be used for the prototypes until the design is finalised.

    If the same person wishes to produce around 100 pieces per run of various designs while I am growing my business then please bear this option in mind and let me know. The production metal will mostly be brass, but others metals will be needed eventually.

    I have a drawing with dimensions for each design which I can supply privately as they are not for the public domain yet. In the first instance we can try one design to see how it goes. This commission is aimed at the "one-person" no VAT type operation to keep initial costs down. To be clear on my offering so there is no misunderstanding, this is two parts, one is for the prototypes and the other for production runs. I would need to know beforehand what you are capable of in terms of lead times, costs, payment terms etc..


    PS: The 25mm diameter was chosen as that is the size of rod in brass closest to what the finished product should be. The metal will probably need to be skimmed for better balance so I understand the result might be a fraction smaller than the max outside diameter the design shows. As close to the design as possible is what I wish to achieve without much wastage of material. There is no threading involved but there are grooves 2mm wide up to 10mm deep.
    Last edited by Rob; 18-01-2016 at 10:40 AM. Reason: Suspended for now

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