Quote Originally Posted by njhussey View Post
One evening I'm going to sit down and watch these all back to back Chris and make some notes!!! I want to make a guitar (or two....) with my machine starting off with something simple like a Tele and then moving onto an Explorer or V.....
Hi Neil,

Funnily enough I have in mind a telecaster myself once the two/three guitars I have on the go are finished. The version I have in mind will have front and back binding, a neck humbucker, phase switch and pre-amp i.e. the Andy Summers model without the $10,000 price tag (if Fender made any more that is). Even though I have a US Standard Tele (circa 95) it doesn't have the tonal variations to get Andy's sound and as I finally nailed the Message in a Bottle sound using an EHX Electric Mistress I need the boost as that flanger pedal cuts the volume when activated.

Ooops apologies gone all guitar nerd on the forum... ;)