Thread: Z Height - Max?
02-02-2016 #1
I am looking at some good quality linear stuff but the rails are only 346mm long. This is 35mm rail, overkill but the stuff is good quality, so keen to try and use it.
The carriages are 105mm long, 95mm ish if the grease nipples are removed. Assuming some spacing between them, I cant see myself getting more than around 130mm of travel on the Z. Is my maths correct, surely it doesnt matter if the rails or the carriages move .... 346mm - 200mm - some spacing = not much left ...
I could possibly source longer rail and use the carriages there - just trying to understand reasonably for around 200-250mm Z range, realistically what length of rail is needed - 450mm?
04-02-2016 #2
Just checked a couple of machines i have drawn.
For a really well designed machine capable of aluminum everyday/or even steel/ , without compromises and very tight Z and well thought gantry 500mm is the correct length. That having in mind 3kw spindle or even bigger as possibility. Lowering it to 460mm will compromise a couple of small things but nothing major if the intended spindle is 2.2kw and the machine gantry is no longer than 700-1000mm
if its for a big machine, longer than 1500mm, i would not do that compromise. Not that it will not work, just not to save money from this one
04-02-2016 #3
Many thanks. In this case, the 4 carts and rail are a lot cheaper than new, so I can probably get the carts and then look to get new rail if needed. The main cost is in the carts, the rail is not the big cost. Ill see if I can find the cost for new rail at 500mm.
04-02-2016 #4
04-02-2016 #5
04-02-2016 #6
04-02-2016 #7
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