Quote Originally Posted by JW1977 View Post
Ok, im gonna do that...
To bad, the IP-M is just right for all other reasons... Thinking about a way to do the homing without "twisting" the gantry.
Would it be possible to simply switch of the slaved motor each time you would want to home? To let one motor home that axis? Would that solve the problem?
The IP-M will home the slaved axis but only using one switch. What needs to happen is for both motors to de-couple from being slaved together so while homing are independant of each other again and look for a switch of there own. Provided the switches are aligned this ensures each side is level and gantry is square again. Just having one switch whether that be moving one or two motors still won't straighten the gantry if twisted.

There is another crude but very affective way to ensure gantry is square and that is to bump up to hard stops which you know set the gantry square.