Thread: Vacuum Suction Bed
22-03-2016 #1
I am currently assisting work colleagues on our 4 CNC routers regarding the vacuum pump.
I am using a pacer HDS 25/12 and literally just use the vac pump and masking tape to secure my material down.
The trials on the other machines are not as successful as to how i have operated my router for years.
We mainly use Aluminium from 0.8mm to 6mm thick and having to screw each sheet down (which i know is the stone-age).
I have trialled VillMill which is supposed to lay under your sheet material and with he friction from the router cutter heat up enough to stick the parts down to the bed.
The idea of this is to eliminate using any tags at all and also stop having to screw material down.
Are there any other ideas i can try to perhaps get better suction or enable to eliminate using tags.
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