Thanks for the detailed help. I believe you are suggesting that it would be more effective to find a machine with a larger capacity than my little 2/3, keeping it for the smaller jobs. I do love tinkering though and 'fixing' the machine so it does a bit more could be a fun activity.

Is the maximum surface area one square inch or one cubic inch? Slight difference...

As an example, one part I am looking at making is roughly 2" X 3/8" and is hollowed out, and has a small post. Weight is around 4gm (my postage meter doesn't handle small weights well). Made of Nylon. Are you suggesting that this can be done using two shots? How would one do that?

I did try tapping the 10mm bolt once loosened but no joy. Perhaps it needs to be heated up to 200C first - that suggestion was in the manual too.

Where is the FTP archive here? I'd be interested in seeing what I may have that may be missing.

Thanks again for your advice!