Quote Originally Posted by Gigalith View Post
Now - i'm out of my depth. When it comes to the drivers plus breakout etc was thinking of trying to get a plug and play system with proximity switches plus emergency stop included. Think MarchantDice do something along these lines.
I'd sooner bite down on the Earth lead and point the 45A torch between my eyes and pull the trigger before advise anyone to buy one of those for plasma machine, or any machine to be honest.!!

With any machine the electronics are the heart of the machine but with Plasma it's even more important because your working with high frequencys which electronics don't particularly like playing nicely with if cheap or poorly made components.
They also don't tolerate sloppy wiring or poor practise so make sure you make a good job of this and have correct shielding and Grounding/filtering etc.

Building a reliable control box for plasma or any CNC machine isn't difficult provided you don't cut corners.

Quote Originally Posted by Gigalith View Post
Biggest concern is cooling. Temperatures can easily hit 50 degrees C in my workshop in summer and don't want them frying.

Yes your Concern is valid despite what boyan says. Electronics of any kind don't like working in heat and while they may work ok @50c it 100% will shorten there life.
The fact your working with Hot metal won't help either so it would be good idea to put some form of cooling or air condtioning thru the control box.