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  1. #51
    no idea how to do that

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    no idea how to do that
    You have to use a CAM package that supports V-Carve paths, it's the only way to get sharp corners on deep cuts, otherwise you're limited by your tool diameter, it uses the fact that a V-bit cutters diameter varies with depth to give you corners as sharp as the tip cutting diameter of a tapered tool tip.
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  3. #53
    I use cambam

    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    You have to use a CAM package that supports V-Carve paths, it's the only way to get sharp corners on deep cuts, otherwise you're limited by your tool diameter, it uses the fact that a V-bit cutters diameter varies with depth to give you corners as sharp as the tip cutting diameter of a tapered tool tip.

  4. #54
    Andy's Statement.
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    If I leave my triac on over night the motors are stone cold the next day.
    If I machine for an hour and half the motors are still stone cold, so just seems odd on the microrouter
    My Response as I knew that Triacs I supported at schools cut power to motors and often needed a reset to enable them again, I know
    PC's inside out so used them as an example what e.g. means.
    Quote Originally Posted by lucan07 View Post
    Likely the way the standby is accomplished, e.g. a PC can be sleeping completely monitoring a 3.3v micro current or running lots uf stuff in background and just turning screen & disks off.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    Ah ah this Makes a change from me being the one clashing heads but rest assured if I hadn't been busy I'd have blasted you just the same.!! . . .Your very out of order Calling MC a Troll. He's one of the nicest and most helpful people on the forum who's replys are considered and well thought out with healthy dose of common sense applied.
    He's absolutley Correct in what he was saying, Know this because I'm often the one cleaning up when people with little to no experience dish out advice with such authority that unsuspecting people often desparate to resolve problems fall hook line sinker and take it on board. Only to find out that person was full of shit.!!
    I haven't read all the thread so not upto speed
    I answered a post and someone takes it out of context, then makes it personal with cr@p about searching for answers to qualify myself to them as if they were something special, that is trolling whether he's a mate of your's or not. He may well be knowledgeable as are you the difference being you take people out of context and afterwards apologise (As yesterday with mach3 graphics) you don't get into a personal attack trolling session.

    Tell me how I was wrong (Fact: Triacs went into standby and cut power to motors not re-powering motors until reset from c: prompt), it was a regular occurence whether caused by numpty operators or machine design it happened regularly. So tell me what the male cow excrement is we are talking about. And why talking about the difference between two different machines and possible cause as to why the one without problems motors are cold after being left powered all night. If two machines are left powered one generates the heat in the motor one does not then the manner they handle the power during standby or inaction is probably the reason. I knew from experience triacs did this by totally cutting power to motors so said so, giving the example of a PC in standby or full sleep mode as an example not as a diagnosis of anything.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    I use cambam
    It doesn't look like CamBam does V-Carve style tool paths :-(
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    It doesn't look like CamBam does V-Carve style tool paths :-(

    no word of a lie my 40 trial uses of cambam ended today and I was going to purchase it. maybe there is a better option out there I could spend my money on?

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    no word of a lie my 40 trial uses of cambam ended today and I was going to purchase it. maybe there is a better option out there I could spend my money on?
    Cambam gets rave reviews and is reasonably priced, I'm not sure you'll get anything with V-Carve toolpaths for anything like the price.
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  8. #58
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 18 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    I use Vectric VCarve which does a good job of v-carve toolpaths, and is aimed at woodworkers rather than engineers. It ain't cheap, though. Vectric offer a free trial copy, although as far as I remember it will give a good simulation onscreen of the finished work but will not actually produce gcode. You need the full paid-up version to do that. Certainly at the time I was looking, 2-3 years or so ago, I couldn't find anything else that did such a good job. For the kinds of things you seem to make, VCarve would do pretty well, but as I say, you do have to pay for it. I would be interested to hear if anyone knows of an equally good or better v-carving CAM package that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Neale For This Useful Post:

  10. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by lucan07 View Post
    I answered a post and someone takes it out of context, then makes it personal with cr@p about searching for answers to qualify myself to them as if they were something special, that is trolling whether he's a mate of your's or not.
    He's not mate but he is someone I respect and acknowledge as knowing what he's talking about. Someone who doesn't jump in with replys that are not relative to the OP's setup or about much use fart in space suit. He's valuable contributor to the forum who's probably forgot more than most on here know, you included.!

    Quote Originally Posted by lucan07 View Post
    Tell me how I was wrong (Fact: Triacs went into standby and cut power to motors not re-powering motors until reset from c: prompt), it was a regular occurence whether caused by numpty operators or machine design it happened regularly. So tell me what the male cow excrement is we are talking about.
    The fact that what your describing was most likely a Charge pump type setup which is very different to Current reduction.

    Quote Originally Posted by lucan07 View Post
    I knew from experience triacs did this by totally cutting power to motors so said so, giving the example of a PC in standby or full sleep mode as an example not as a diagnosis of anything.
    Maybe you didn't know what you thought you knew.!! . . . . Was it really power that was cut or just Signals to the drives by the Charge pump and the Drive did the Current reduction.? Would have been easy to tell because without power the motors would lose holding torque.

    But in anycase like MC said you didn't bother to enquire about the OP's setup so how could it be relavent to his machine. It's like OP saying my 10yr old Fiesta won't start and you saying well my Model T ford used to do that when Cranking handle that jumped out of socket.!! . . . Compleltly fucking pointless reply for 10yr old Fiesta.!
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 11-06-2016 at 01:50 AM.

  11. #60
    due to £££ I really need a program I can use for both my metal work and wood work. cambam can do both, although its probably not the best for both, it is good middle ground.

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