Guys, believe me, painting for me is pain in the a%%, so much that after messing too many time for this or that reason, at the end i decided to do it always absolutely properly for the best result in home conditions:

-industrial quality epoxy paint base, anti rust, salt water resistant /when on metal/
-industrial quality epoxy , whatever color i choose, they mix it for me
-industrial quality epoxy thinner

Bottom line is that all of the above combo gives 100% perfect result without any doubt, is made by the same company to work together. Costs same like normal antioxidant paint from hardware store, and much cheaper than quality spray cans, which are not even in the same league.

Plus the resistance of the epoxy paint is the top you could get in home conditions.

I had too many times made mistakes with incompatible thinners, poor drying thinners , etc...

thats my 2c on painting diy stuff