www.OnCreate3D.com is the first full cloud 3D CAM app. It runs in a web browser and on any mobile device. Simply import a CAD File and choose a project type such as Mill, Lathe or SheetMetal. Many file formats such as STL / IGES / STEP are supported.

Create Operations to cut the part. Mill 3D supports Pocket, Contour, Parallel, Radial, Pencil and many more operations. Mill 2D supports Pocket, Contour, Rest Area operations. Lathe supports Turning, Facing, Grooving and many more operations. Mill 2D & Lathe will be introduced soon. You can Simulate the operations to check for gouges, spikes, undercutting etc.

Create NC File for all selected operations by providing basic information about the controller options. That's it. You are ready to take NC File to your controller.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	20462Click image for larger version. 

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