Hello Jazz,
Little by little I’ve been able to understand the ATC Circuit.
Please correct me if I’m wrong

On the 9 pin connector.
1. The two thermal wires 1 & 5, are for either stop the spindle at the VFD or at the CNC controller Estop signal(in my case Gecko G540)

2. Pins 3 & 9 are for the DC positive and Negative source to power the fan, connected to a relay that switches when the spindle turns on.

3. Power supply: 4 Red U,6 Black V,8 Blue W. The three phase coming out of the VFD to power the spindle.

4. Ground: Pin 2 Yellow,Green Connect to ground earth of AC power (not to be confused with DC negative)

Now for the 11 pin connector containing the PNP sensors.

I took apart the ATC to figure out where the PNP sensors were connected to which pins. I got that one figured out.

1. The gold wires on both sensors go to a DC24V that will be supplied by a transformer in the ATC controller case.

2. The blue wires go to the negative side (DC -) of that transformer.

3. The signal wire of both PNP sensors: 

This is the one I’m having trouble with!

Do I connect this one to an input on the Gecko 540 or to an input on the VFD? Or, do they go connected to a relay that operates the pneumatic valve that activates the tool holder?
I know the answer must be very simple but I’m still processing this.

4. Pins 5–11-7-8 go to the pneumatic relay valve that activates-deactivates the tool holder and the LED light that is constantly on. This way I can just press the button and release the tool manually.

My apologies if I sound like a noob on this one, but this is my first ATC and I do not want to release the magic smoke from the spindle (I hear that is very hard to put back ��) or even worse, release a tool while the CNC is moving. This would definitely damage the ATC.
Thanks for your help.

Jose Ricardo
When I finish connecting the ATC I will post a video hopefully showing success.