Hi everyone, it's been a long time since i have posted here and used my machine in general. I've recently had more time available and have started trying to tidy up and finish off some bits on my Project so i can start using it properly.

Previously i had purchased a DDCSV1.1 for the machine, in the beginning it seemed to work fine, although i did feel like i was button mashing Tekken 2 whenever setting up to Zero and run Programs on it.

Since pulling my machine out of storage a couple of weeks ago the controller has developed some kind of fault where the Display will freeze up and the machine too, and then carry on again. Using a new USB Drive usually fixes this for a couple of runs but then the problem returns.

In any event i want to try and setup to use UCNC instead, i have a large touch screen monitor i can pair with it and i feel it will be better suited to me. What is the most cost effective "Breakout Board" to use with UCNC? My machine is only 3 Axis but i do have Dual Steppers on my Gantry (These are not independently homed), currently these are just linked via split signal cable to the drivers.

I have a Mini PC which has a Parallel Port that i can use if i need to go that way for ultimate cheapness. One thing im concerned with is that the DDCSV Boasts 500Khz Speed whilst most of the budget boards im seeing online are Max 200Khz, will this affect me in the real world? The machine is pretty smooth currently and i wouldnt want to lose that.

Any help or experience would be greatly appreciated.

