
I am looking to get a 1200x1200 CNC Router from China.

Yes i am aware of the duty & VAT i will pay and the product support will be sketchy to say the least.
But the savings are still to good to ignore.

I was on the verge of doing a deal with Jinan Zhuoke but pulled out as they want full payment before the machine even leaves China, and i have no security in the transaction.

They wont accept paypal, even if i cover the costs. Even if they did there is a clause in paypal's buyer protection which excludes "industrial machinery" So i don't think i'm covered anyway.

I was going to use Alibaba's Escrow service, but their small print states that full payment is released to the seller once the machine is loaded onto the ship, as opposed to when i receive the goods if sent by airfreight.
They could be loading a empty box for all i know!

Can anyone recommend a trustworthy Chinese seller with a good history of sending machines to the UK?