so I have been considering Deans package of the UC300ETH and UCBB1 but then realising that I would need a second breakout I started further reading and found the UB1 from and it looks far better suited for what I am thinking...... but would probably also need the UD1-U good grief it gets expensive fast lol

I know Dean is really busy but he was kind enough to send a fast response to my email and is out of stock on the UC300 for now.

I wonder if I am over thinking things. while isolating all the connections through the breakout is a good idea is it really needed with the ethernet connection? I find myself wondering at the sense in protecting a motion controller with a breakout board that costs more than the motion controller.

one of the joys of being in the UK is nothing is easily available so far to much time to contemplate options especially as i want the mill back up and running yesterday.

on with the research...