I think the first video is great. It's like the old idiom 'give a man a fish...'. Lots of charities try to provide tools for poor countries to do work but they can only be used for that specific job in most cases. Instead of giving each man a spade, give his town a CNC machine and they can make many, many things they all need. Alright, it may be slower to make spades that way, but on the other hand they can make so many other things no-one would have thought to give them.

The video is about a business wanting $50,000 which I can't imagine many African towns affording. If this was a charity project to build and ship 'factories in a box' or just the CNC machines to poor African areas I imagine it could do a lot of good indeed. Alternatively I guess a charity group could tour one, 3 months in each town making stuff then on to the next town.