View Full Version : Linear & Rotary Motion

  1. RockCliff Linear Hardware
  2. Lubrication (OOooeerr missus)
  3. HELP Gary, I'm having a disaster
  4. New build - Screw specification???
  5. dual drive x-axis?
  6. Looooobrication
  7. Axis Directions
  8. new build - Rails & ballscrews & motors
  9. I don't know what to expect
  10. Anyone have a UK source for open ended 10mm T5 Polyurethane belt
  11. Which X Axis drive arrangement?
  12. chain drive
  13. Physics Guru needed
  14. Arrrgh! Missed Vee bearings on ebay....!
  15. Stepper shaft size and pulley bore size problem
  16. wonderfull linear solution ????????
  17. Loading Calculator for Z axis
  18. Just a small question
  19. Bearings(Rotary)
  20. Z-axis design - help sizing materials please!
  21. Straightness of steel/alumunium box section
  22. cnc machine stiffness calculator
  23. Missing Steps + Stalling X-axis
  24. Help with my build please
  25. Motor size 23' and 2/1 reduction for Z axe on SX3 retrofit.
  26. Axis resolution advice
  27. Linear Motion , CHEAP!!
  28. Mounting motor under table?
  29. router jumping position
  30. "Racks" VS "ball screw"
  31. Advice needed for Z Design
  32. bearing mount, alignment and anything related
  33. shaft - grinding part joint
  34. Supported rails and ballscrew / Different hights
  35. taper roller bearings vs deep groove ball bearings
  36. Various nema 23's
  37. Taperlock and translock bushes
  38. Linear rail and ballscrew dimensioning for R/C router
  39. Stay with Gearbox or retro fit DC motor etc;
  40. AC Motor upgrade - pulley sizes
  41. Nema17 motors driving 1204 ballscrews ...that ok?
  42. non-locating / floating bearing - shaft location
  43. motor gearing (cog) help please
  44. Fourth Axis... Thoughts?
  45. Juddering Y axis
  46. x&z not working
  47. Diy 4th axis rotary table using 100mm chuck with minimal backlash
  48. Shafts, bearings and circlips....
  49. Bearing fit problem
  50. angular contact bearings - back to back, further apart
  51. Suggestions please on a small desktop CNC, lead screws or belt drive?
  52. Z mounted 4th axis
  53. festo H
  54. Nitrile O-ring belt drive - suggested stretch percentage..?
  55. Sioboni Gearboxes from zapp, any one have one?
  56. Sturdy Rotary Axis for CNC table
  57. axis movement jamming
  58. TPI in metric? And a few other leadscrew confusions for newbie
  59. BALLS!...The race type
  60. Chain drive
  61. Backlash , Any suggestions ?
  62. Putting Bearing on Drill
  63. Gas Strut placement
  64. hiwin rail hole placement question
  65. Misumy linear rails
  66. Do you grease HiWin rail Sliders?
  67. Workshop made Acetal / DELRIN Rack & Pinion
  68. Chinese Harmonic 4th axis
  69. Why is Y axis "squaring" necessary only with twin motors?
  70. will this 4th axis work
  71. Belt drive vs direct coupling pro's and cons, Poll
  72. Chinese MGN rails. Should I use them?
  73. Greasing Hiwin 15mm
  74. Z axis Ball screw basic advice, please.
  75. What are these mgn15c good for?
  76. tb6560 controller problem
  77. 1500mm SBR16 + for £300??
  78. Mod 1.0 rack DIN standard???
  79. Hiwin rails / blocks
  80. Gerber Dim 200 X and Y axis u/s!
  81. MOD1 Spur Gear query
  82. Cutting ballscrews to length the easy way?
  83. Chinese Ballscrew nut play
  84. Another Marvel of Chinese manufacturing
  85. Simple Rack and Pinion Zero Backlash (no springs)
  86. Repacking nut... numbering on diverters?
  87. SBR20LUU seal interference
  88. theoretical speed
  89. Wiring an 8 wire Nema to 4 core CY cable to an AM882
  90. Replace bearings in BK12 & BF12 fittings
  91. Looking for models
  92. Purchase from linearmotionbearings2008 is turning out to be a total disaster
  93. 4th axis brake enquiry
  94. Nema 34 stepper shaft
  95. Soft limit setting trouble shooting
  96. Low cost closed loop steppers from Alibaba
  97. Ballscrew source.
  98. Gear reducing kit recommendation
  99. Looking for an economical XY (well and Z) solution that is not for the normal use
  100. 90:1 vs 180:1 gear ratio
  101. Trying to identify component
  102. Driver help
  103. Rotating ball nut, Ballscrew Pitch, RPM limits, and my particular build pickle
  104. Question about couplings...
  105. 4th axis as a "poor man's lathe"
  106. will it work or not
  107. Micro steps
  108. New TBI Ball screw - How not bent is enough? & How to test?
  109. Build in Progress
  110. Build in Progress
  111. Hiwin Lubrication
  112. Some questions to JAZZCNC or any other closed loop stepper experts
  113. Recommendation for motors and controller with rotating nut
  114. What would you choose
  115. Chinese Sliding Axis
  116. System 48 Cog Broken
  117. Why are "Tuning Constants" of identical Servos in identical machines different?