- Blooming stainless, grumble moan complain
- Aluminium Grades
- Machining hardened ballscrews
- drilling brass?
- Need to drill a spanner shaft
- Home Anodising Aluminium and the elusive Sulphuric acid
- Stick with Ali profile or venture into plate?
- What I did this weekend.. part 1
- What I did this weekend.. part 2
- Tapping Aluminium extrusion
- What is the best sheet alloy for machining?
- Straight sections of box steel
- routing aluminium help :)
- Which grade aluminium?
- Threadmilling
- Has anyone made any metal tank treads for 1/16th models?
- Knurling Pitch and diameter calculator spread-sheet
- Machining Aluminium
- Milling Steel?
- stainless steel fasteners - quality
- 6mm shaft to 6.35mm hole?
- Kress mount on makerslide z-axis?
- Can you identify this paint on metal finish..?
- 4130 Steel
- Cutting lead flashing?
- Milling Sheet Aluminium
- How to cnc cut 1-2mm stainless sheet ??
- traveling steady, turning 1/2 bar down over 10".
- edge finish - ripples and ridges
- What is Steel 25BG?
- Minimum thread engagement
- expanding foam and steel frame
- Which is easier to machine on a manual lathe 12.9 or EN24 steel?
- Multi thread cutting
- Cutting metal shapes
- Identifying Steel types.
- Clamping question
- threading ground bar ends
- Some general questions. Drilling and pocketing.
- Box section tube straightness
- cutting and engraving sheet alu and copper with cnc router
- Source for 0.5mm CZ120 brass?
- Flash POP Warning
- Any tips for deep slots/profiling in aluminium?
- Aluminium cutting
- Cutting Aluminium With A Cheapo 3020 CNC
- Steel vs Aluminium
- Making a part on hobby CNC miller
- Notching 316 stainless tube on my CNC mill cutter tip choice
- Advice on turning a part
- How would I mill this?
- Reaming question
- Lathe Indexing Tools
- Dressing Grinding Wheels
- Aluminium Repair and joining without welding
- Machining a double D
- Joining aluminium extrusion lengthways
- Need some help and advice, ideas for finishing a detail
- Drilling/tapping in ends/side of aluminium plate
- Best way to drill/tap a lathe carriage
- Metal Bandsaw or Cut-Off Saw?
- Please help with a few questions
- Need to make a splined socket shaft
- help
- Can someone cut my drawings?
- Technical Help
- Help Needed! Small Hobby Jobs!
- Metal Stock Purchasing UK
- Tap removal
- tap and die size help
- Arc movement issue
- Aluminium Profile
- Bolt Selection thickness
- Ruffel's cnc cutting journey
- Wall thickness/Thread advice
- Feed and SPEED !!! for mill end and carbide inserts help please
- Thread milling shallow bind hole
- Feed & speed for milling engraving brass
- Hmm - is it unrealistic to use feed/speed calculators on home built machines?
- Is there any such thing as a stock shaft material?
- Turning hard materials
- Best way to cut a 7.5 slot x 35mm
- High-tensile steel
- What's the of Armoured Steel
- Lathe Tools
- Cheap Reversible Threading Attachment?
- Eco Cast Plate or similar - Tolerances
- Drilling Ø0.2mm holes on aluminium
- Dowel holes reamer or interpolation?
- Noobs' Feeds & Speeds
- help needed boring 8mm holes 20mm depth in Alu
- How tricky would this be to machine? I guess a Triac is not up to the job!
- How to drill faster in brass
- Machining airspace parts please heeelp!!!!!
- Runout, HSS drills and dowel holes
- How to get the best flatness
- Drill bit for brass
- CNC bits for various sheets
- New drill press. Which???
- Using a metal cutting burr with a router...?
- Metal-cutting bandsaw
- Thread cutting in chinese ballscrew
- First cut in aluminium. Disaster.
- Can anybody tell me the manufacturer and age of this sheet metal roller please?
- Looking for steel...
- Mach3 Turn Screenset
- Aluminium sheet grade for machining?
- Thoughts Welcome on some aluminium pedals for a car??
- Engraving aluminum on chinese 3040
- Grade of brass used for pavement markers/hard wearing signage
- Surface Grinder - Elliott 618 - Any Good?
- Brass electrode for HF-welder
- 4.3 mm holes, 20 mm deep
- Waviness in the finish, what causes it and other questions.
- machineing radius edges
- which cut off saw
- can anybody near leicester bore out a cutter block?
- Where to Buy Endmills
- Alternative to acetone for superglue removal.
- Silver steel - advice needed
- Flat bar or plate for CNC
- Advice for cutting sheet aluminium
- Who'd have thought... Mark gummy metal with a sharpie...
- Drag Bit
- Work holding - Wax
- Supplied size accuracy on tooling plate.....
- Material spec for custom driveshafts
- binding barrel bolt meets a carriage bolt
- Looking for advice on how to tap some stainless.
- Thinking about a Clarke CL430...
- Hard Turning a Clean Sharp Edge
- What is involved in making this?
- Making a lathe tool
- Plasma cutter from LIDL
- Fixture advice
- APT High speed, high hardness end mills - anyone used them?
- Low cost ways of working with aluminium for a n00b
- bevel/vernier protractor use
- Joining steel box section
- Machining 80% nickel 20% iron alloy
- Working with mild steel.
- 45 degree vs 55 degree flute cutters for aluminium
- Cutters for 7075 T6 aluminium
- Projects for beginner CNC operator
- Newbie - poor auminium cutting, but why?
- Who needs coolant????
- Looking for some thin 7075 aluminium rod...
- Steel Enclosure thickness?
- Deep Slot Milling in Aluminium - Optimum Cutter Diameter
- 303 or 415 stainless steel plate?
- Machining a Captive Ball Component
- Thread tap storage containers
- Aluminium Plate Set
- Manufacture metal pieces
- UK source/supplier for cz124/CW603n brass sheet
- Fabrication cost
- Slotting aluminum with small (sub 5mm) tools
- Small quantities of medium carbon steel...
- Free Machining Copper Stock
- Metal roof leaking
- Chamfer cutter recommendations
- Reamer sizing