View Full Version : Metalwork Discussion

  1. Blooming stainless, grumble moan complain
  2. Aluminium Grades
  3. Machining hardened ballscrews
  4. drilling brass?
  5. Need to drill a spanner shaft
  6. Home Anodising Aluminium and the elusive Sulphuric acid
  7. Stick with Ali profile or venture into plate?
  8. What I did this weekend.. part 1
  9. What I did this weekend.. part 2
  10. Tapping Aluminium extrusion
  11. What is the best sheet alloy for machining?
  12. Straight sections of box steel
  13. routing aluminium help :)
  14. Which grade aluminium?
  15. Threadmilling
  16. Has anyone made any metal tank treads for 1/16th models?
  17. Knurling Pitch and diameter calculator spread-sheet
  18. Machining Aluminium
  19. Milling Steel?
  20. stainless steel fasteners - quality
  21. 6mm shaft to 6.35mm hole?
  22. Kress mount on makerslide z-axis?
  23. Can you identify this paint on metal finish..?
  24. 4130 Steel
  25. Cutting lead flashing?
  26. Milling Sheet Aluminium
  27. How to cnc cut 1-2mm stainless sheet ??
  28. traveling steady, turning 1/2 bar down over 10".
  29. edge finish - ripples and ridges
  30. What is Steel 25BG?
  31. Minimum thread engagement
  32. expanding foam and steel frame
  33. Which is easier to machine on a manual lathe 12.9 or EN24 steel?
  34. Multi thread cutting
  35. Cutting metal shapes
  36. Identifying Steel types.
  37. Clamping question
  38. threading ground bar ends
  39. Some general questions. Drilling and pocketing.
  40. Box section tube straightness
  41. cutting and engraving sheet alu and copper with cnc router
  42. Source for 0.5mm CZ120 brass?
  43. Flash POP Warning
  44. Any tips for deep slots/profiling in aluminium?
  45. Aluminium cutting
  46. Cutting Aluminium With A Cheapo 3020 CNC
  47. Steel vs Aluminium
  48. Making a part on hobby CNC miller
  49. Notching 316 stainless tube on my CNC mill cutter tip choice
  50. Advice on turning a part
  51. How would I mill this?
  52. Reaming question
  53. Lathe Indexing Tools
  54. Dressing Grinding Wheels
  55. Aluminium Repair and joining without welding
  56. Machining a double D
  57. Joining aluminium extrusion lengthways
  58. Need some help and advice, ideas for finishing a detail
  59. Drilling/tapping in ends/side of aluminium plate
  60. Best way to drill/tap a lathe carriage
  61. Metal Bandsaw or Cut-Off Saw?
  62. Please help with a few questions
  63. Need to make a splined socket shaft
  64. help
  65. Can someone cut my drawings?
  66. Technical Help
  67. Help Needed! Small Hobby Jobs!
  68. Metal Stock Purchasing UK
  69. Tap removal
  70. tap and die size help
  71. Arc movement issue
  72. Aluminium Profile
  73. Bolt Selection thickness
  74. Ruffel's cnc cutting journey
  75. Wall thickness/Thread advice
  76. Feed and SPEED !!! for mill end and carbide inserts help please
  77. Thread milling shallow bind hole
  78. Feed & speed for milling engraving brass
  79. Hmm - is it unrealistic to use feed/speed calculators on home built machines?
  80. Is there any such thing as a stock shaft material?
  81. Turning hard materials
  82. Best way to cut a 7.5 slot x 35mm
  83. High-tensile steel
  84. What's the of Armoured Steel
  85. Lathe Tools
  86. Cheap Reversible Threading Attachment?
  87. Eco Cast Plate or similar - Tolerances
  88. Drilling Ø0.2mm holes on aluminium
  89. Dowel holes reamer or interpolation?
  90. Noobs' Feeds & Speeds
  91. help needed boring 8mm holes 20mm depth in Alu
  92. How tricky would this be to machine? I guess a Triac is not up to the job!
  93. How to drill faster in brass
  94. Machining airspace parts please heeelp!!!!!
  95. Runout, HSS drills and dowel holes
  96. How to get the best flatness
  97. Drill bit for brass
  98. CNC bits for various sheets
  99. New drill press. Which???
  100. Using a metal cutting burr with a router...?
  101. Metal-cutting bandsaw
  102. Thread cutting in chinese ballscrew
  103. First cut in aluminium. Disaster.
  104. Can anybody tell me the manufacturer and age of this sheet metal roller please?
  105. Looking for steel...
  106. Mach3 Turn Screenset
  107. Aluminium sheet grade for machining?
  108. Thoughts Welcome on some aluminium pedals for a car??
  109. Engraving aluminum on chinese 3040
  110. Grade of brass used for pavement markers/hard wearing signage
  111. Surface Grinder - Elliott 618 - Any Good?
  112. Brass electrode for HF-welder
  113. 4.3 mm holes, 20 mm deep
  114. Waviness in the finish, what causes it and other questions.
  115. machineing radius edges
  116. which cut off saw
  117. can anybody near leicester bore out a cutter block?
  118. Where to Buy Endmills
  119. Alternative to acetone for superglue removal.
  120. Silver steel - advice needed
  121. Flat bar or plate for CNC
  122. Advice for cutting sheet aluminium
  123. Who'd have thought... Mark gummy metal with a sharpie...
  124. Drag Bit
  125. Work holding - Wax
  126. Supplied size accuracy on tooling plate.....
  127. Material spec for custom driveshafts
  128. binding barrel bolt meets a carriage bolt
  129. Looking for advice on how to tap some stainless.
  130. Thinking about a Clarke CL430...
  131. Hard Turning a Clean Sharp Edge
  132. What is involved in making this?
  133. Making a lathe tool
  134. Plasma cutter from LIDL
  135. Fixture advice
  136. APT High speed, high hardness end mills - anyone used them?
  137. Low cost ways of working with aluminium for a n00b
  138. bevel/vernier protractor use
  139. Joining steel box section
  140. Machining 80% nickel 20% iron alloy
  141. Working with mild steel.
  142. 45 degree vs 55 degree flute cutters for aluminium
  143. Cutters for 7075 T6 aluminium
  144. Projects for beginner CNC operator
  145. Newbie - poor auminium cutting, but why?
  146. Who needs coolant????
  147. Looking for some thin 7075 aluminium rod...
  148. Steel Enclosure thickness?
  149. Deep Slot Milling in Aluminium - Optimum Cutter Diameter
  150. 303 or 415 stainless steel plate?
  151. Machining a Captive Ball Component
  152. Thread tap storage containers
  153. Aluminium Plate Set
  154. Manufacture metal pieces
  155. UK source/supplier for cz124/CW603n brass sheet
  156. Fabrication cost
  157. Slotting aluminum with small (sub 5mm) tools
  158. Small quantities of medium carbon steel...
  159. Free Machining Copper Stock
  160. Metal roof leaking
  161. Chamfer cutter recommendations
  162. Reamer sizing