View Full Version : Awaking Bridgeport from Hibernation...

05-05-2019, 09:32 PM
Hey all,

So, I've spent the day getting the Bridgeport out of storage, getting the head vertical again, and powering it up for the first time in a few years to check everything still works. Bit of an overwhelming day.

As far as I know, its a BP Series 1 with a variable speed head, 3 axis DRO, and power feed on Quill and table. Its been partially restored - everything but the head has been lovingly sorted out, and its my intention to restore the head at some point in the future. I know the head rotation wormscrew is stripped, and the brake is pretty much useless, but otherwise I think its alright.

The problem is, I've only had basic lessons on operation before it unexpectedly became my responsibility (again - this was about three or four years ago), so I'm still finding my way here. Before I start doing some basic cutting and getting back into the groove, I'm going to pause to do the proper research and make sure I'm not going to hurt it (or myself) by doing something stupid, but I wanted to ask the hive mind on here about creating a list of things to work through and check before I start using it.

Check it powers up (done)
Check the DRO responds on each axis (done)
Lubricate and Clean (I've pulled up the oil plunger a few times, and plan to clean the ways properly - but advice appreciated)
Tram the head
Run the motor + check the varispeed (done very briefly)
Manually traverse full travel on each axis
Operate the power feeds (see below)

Can anyone suggest anything else I need to check?

Also, regards the power feed for the table X, I had the feed dial above zero, and I think I engaged the feed out of neutral (using the long bar in-front of the bed), but didn't get any motion - any ideas what could be wrong?

I've also got this switch panel which I can't seem to find out what the switches are for, some help would be appreciated! I guessed that the one with a table like icon on the top row (3rd from left) might be the power feed on/off, but it didn't seem to matter which position that switch was in.

What do all of the switches on this panel do? And the one between stop/start?


Table feed settings: