View Full Version : BUILD LOG: 4x8 "1200*2400" mm CNC Steel Router Build

03-03-2021, 06:05 PM
My First Official Thread:

This is to be considered The love Child from mixing many desgin ideas from official branded machines and design ideas inspired by threads i have gone through here in the forum. Mainly Shopsabre base and gantry design. with implementation from Jonathan Rotating nut mixed with Hasse Germany. and z axis inspired from Boyan Silyavski build with twist.

The design is not finished but in final stage right now so i thought to use all of you helpful experience to correct me before i start this mega project

This is the first cnc to design or build, i have good experience in welding and got access to a few big size machines, so it was easier choose steel.

The main tasks required from this build: to be able to work with full sheet of MDF, plywood,.. etc and to be able to process aluminum plate stock

Workspace as mentioned in the thread title 1200*2400 with 300mm Z Clearance and 400mm travel "i know it's not optimal but i would like to hear your thoughts about it, if it can be managed or it will end up as a weak point in design

The steel will be used in this build
Base 200x300, 80x120 mm
Gantry 100x200, 100x100 mm
Steel Plates from 12 and 20 mm as end plates

Materials Till now will be updated if any change happen
X Axis:
4x HGH 25 Blocks with HGR25 Rails By Hiwin
SNFU 2510 TbiMotion Ball Screw
750W Schneider Electric lexium26 servo and drive Geared 2:1

Y Axis:
4x HGH 25 Blocks with HGR25 Rails By Hiwin
2x SNFU 2510 TbiMotion Ball Screw
2x 750W Schneider Electric lexium26 servo and drive Geared 2:1

Z Axis:
4x HGH 25 Blocks with HGR25 Rails By Hiwin
1x SNFU 2010 TbiMotion Ball Screw
1x SYK MBCB15-D Motor Mount
1x SYK BF-15 Screw Support
1x 400W Schneider Electric lexium26 servo and drive Direct Drive 1:1


25-11-2021, 11:42 PM
I pretty much like your idea; hope i will hear more from you. Good luck.

21-09-2022, 07:23 AM
Hola Saludos desde Ecuador. Yo me encuentro en la construcción de una cnc tipo puente con un area de trabajo de 290 cm *200cm y 80cm
Quisiera saber cómo le fue con la construcción de tu cnc. Porque yo estoy pensando hacerla con tuerca giratoria.

**** Translation By Lee ****
Hello Greetings from Ecuador. I am in the construction of a bridge type cnc with a work area of ​​290 cm * 200cm and 80cm. I would like to know how it went with the construction of your cnc. Because I'm thinking of doing it with a swivel nut.