Quote Originally Posted by mekanik View Post
Hi D-man
Is the aim of the exercise to just blank the bore of the fitting ?
If so depends on the pressure it is going to see, but you could make a expanding bung. it's just two circular disc's bolt welded in centre of one and a clearance hole in the other with a doughnut shaped soft sponge rubber ring between the two, tightening the two plates expands the rubber and locks the assembly in the bore. Plump Centre stock this sort of thing.
Thanks, I know of these bungs as I'm a filtration engineers and pipe fitter by trade.

The aim of the exercise is to ask the gurus of solidworks, how they would go about designing a 5mm PVC sheet and contour it to the cut area. I will Try get an image up of what I mean.

The reason for this cut in the pipe is to enable that pipe and the other half to sit lower in a bowl shaped component. Then it will be pulled with concrete half way up the pipe.